Monday, June 24, 2013

Go Skate Day 2013. Grove City, Ohio

Del McCourey (playing from a Lexus)
Jordan re-tearing his ACL
Spencer spinning 540s
Heckling kids
Kicking out Stoners
Kook Poparazzi
Snot rockets "There's drugs in that if you wanna lick it"
Cops showed up and shut it down

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dudes on Ludes

Another Quaalude, she'll love me in the morning

Hold my beer, Dad

Yesterday was Father's Day. 
Get rad with your dad.

This photos 5 or 6 years old. 
Kory rides Indys now.
Yep, that's a homemade Devo shirt..

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Polished turds

What's radder than a 9 year old blasting a hip?
A 9 year old who'll piss on your car door after he blasts a hip.
Hard stares and Pina Colada in a bag

Brigner's ass over Henry's legs.

Sleezy Skates
New boards comin July 2019.
Roll yer grits.Show yer tits.

For now chomp on Henry's winter footage